We've had this meal twice, and it is one of our favorite ways to have fish now! I looked online to get some ideas, but in the end kind of made the recipe up myself.
First, I chopped up about 1/2 cup or so of peanuts. I used my Pampered Chef slap/chop type thing. Then I set up my station:
- A plate of flour with some pepper and a dash of salt
- A beaten egg in a bowl
- Plate of chopped nuts
- Cast iron skillet with some olive oil
Pat the fish dry with a paper towel, cover in the flour mixture, dredge in egg, then coat with nuts. Here's what it looks like:
It browns up nicely...
We paired it with a nice salad and some roasted potatoes this night.
Also, I whipped up a peanut sauce to go on the fish. Again, I looked online to get some ideas for the recipe, but in the end just made it up based on taste. The basic ingredients were:
- peanut butter (about 1/2 cup)
- soy sauce (a few T.)
- lemon juice (1-2 T.)
- milk (1-2 T)
- ginger, garlic, salt, pepper (to taste)
- Cholula (for a little extra kick)
I might have also added a little rice wine vinegar, I can't remember now. Basically, just play with it until it tastes the way you want!